Saturday, 18 January 2014

How to Reduce the Impact of 'False' Likes on Facebook Pages

In my last post are-you-liking-road-to-disaster? I discussed some of the potential problems business pages who have used various methods to inflate their like figures may soon be facing.  It is clear that some action will need to be taken right now to prepare for the current and future changes that facebook are introducing.

So if you have been using methods to attract people to your page who are not actually interested in it what can you do to improve the situation? First of all there are lots of things you can do, so don't panic and read on :)


First of all you need to know the key to changing things around on your page is interaction - you need to work on getting the people who can see your posts to actually engage with you.  Anyone who has a page where no-one engages with posts will tell you it is not easy to get people to engage with you.....but actually it is not as difficult as you might think.

The number 1 way to increase interaction on your page is simply to ask questions.  I recently advised a seller to ask people on her page for their opinion about her knitted goods - ask them for colour suggestions, ask if they would like to see a cat or a dog next, ask if something looks ok even.  People LOVE to give their opinion so just give them the chance to give it :) The seller i advised to do this found it started to work straight away!


Ok so lets imagine you have 1000 people who have liked your page, but they are not really all that interested in your products - thats ok, they are still an audience.  If you have a lot of people who have liked your page already you can help to get them interested in what you have to say.  How? - back to INTERACTION - ask them questions about something they are interested in - even just ask what they are interested in - the chances are you will get a few responses at least and that gives you something to build upon.


If you do loose likes just don't worry about it, there is no point in having people 'like' your page if they don't actually like it.....With each unlike you get you are developing a more targeted audience - it actually helps with your overall stats to have less non active likes as fb will interpret this as your page being more interesting and that you are working with a more targeted audience.  This is what fb want to see.


As i said before, its good to see your business page growing, and it is difficult sometimes to stop focusing on that 'magic number'.  Certainly look at ways to increase the number of likes you have in a slow and natural way - attracting new people who do have an interest in your products is a good thing.  Chasing a high like figure however is equal to just cramming random people into a shop - it doesn't make a good experience for any of the people who have been crammed in and the most natural thing for them to do is try and get out as soon as possible......Focus instead on the people who are there already, make your 'shop' a pleasant place to be and they will stay, and even maybe tell their friends how good it is :)

Remember the old saying.......

Focus on quality and not quantity and you will be improving the situation for everyone, including yourself!

Next time i will be discussing how to improve the chances of getting orders and sales from your facebook page :) to make sure you don't miss out ask to get added to our blog subscription list or join us on our facebook page  :) 

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