Thursday, 6 February 2014

Interesting Responses to Yesterday's Challenge....

So yesterday i set a little challenge to find some local selling groups on facebook and the response to this was very interesting indeed.  You seemed to be split right down the middle in your views of doing this, some of you thought it was pointless and thought your time would be better spent on craft networking style pages, and some of you simply took the challenge on and went for it.....

I will say that my tasks for the challenge are extremely clearly thought through and are based on my own experiences of selling as well as info i have gathered from years of being on facebook while involved with selling by others in some form or another.  I can only provide some guidance however so obviously if you choose not to do the tasks that is entirely your choice :)

So far participants in the challenge have reported some interesting results:

1 seller practically sold everything from their selling album and has had so many orders she has had to close her order book.

Another seller has had 2 enquiries in the past couple of days on her own page.

On the selling album i have been sharing from The Selling Cafe Page there have been 3 enquiries and lots of comments left on the product pics.

On the selling album on my own page i have had 1 enquiry and lots of comments left.

So it seems to be having an impact! Many of you seem to be generally enjoying the challenge and learning quite a bit, that is as well as seeing an increase in interest in products which is fab news - i am glad its proving useful! So who is ready for day 4 then?

Ok so today we have a couple of tasks again.....

First of all i'd like you to share some of the products from your selling album on your own page......but i want you to do so in a way that encourages people to interact with the pictures - this could be by asking a question, playing a game, asking people which their favourite item is etc etc.

Second i would like you to go back to the selling groups you posted in yesterday, check for any comments being left there or other interactions such as likes being left (and use these as an opportunity to interact), but i also want you to leave a comment on your own item (which effectively bumps the image back to the top of the group).  Please leave a comment that means something and use it again as an opportunity to encourage people to look at it (writing bump is usually completely ignored!).  BTW the easiest way to find your own post again is to use the search option at the top of the group and search for your own name!

An additional task for today is to write a list of other places (outside of facebook) you could advertise your goods.  Again we will be adding a list of these places to the Business Pages Advice Group 

Do you have any other comments or results to report? Have you had more 'likes' or comments on your page since we started? Have you had more interaction? Do let me know :)

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Please feel free to leave me a comment, but remember this is not a place to try and advertise your website or blog. Thank You :)